START2ACT delivers a webinar for

START2ACT delivers a webinar for is organising a webinar on 18th July, 11:00 AM CEST to showcase a new technology for green data centres and demonstrate the power of people in decreasing ICT energy consumption in SMEs.

Daniel Frohnmaier (Project Manager at START2ACT & Geonardo Environmental Technologies), will demonstrate the role of people at SMEs and start-ups in bringing a long-lasting decrease in energy consumption of ICT and at the workplaces of businesses, while increasing the company’s competitiveness on the market.

Find out more info here.

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Když přemýšlíte o nákupu nových zařízení, kromě pořizovací ceny si spočítejte také náklady na provoz, ty budete platit dalších 10-20 let.

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