The START2ACT team marks the project’s halfway

The START2ACT team marks the project’s halfway

On the 25th and 26th September 2017, the START2ACT consortium met in the Polish capital Warsaw at the premises of our Polish partner, KAPE, to discuss the current state, progress and next steps of the project.

On day 1 all partners shared their experiences about the activities in the first 18 months of the project and discussed perceived barriers and their potential solutions. This workshop was a very useful exercise to discuss and reflect on the national strategies for attracting young SMEs and startups for the START2ACT energy efficiency support programmes in the nine partner countries.

On the second day, we were able to cover the dissemination aspects of the project and discuss the involvement of all partners in those. Finally, coordination and management related issues and questions were discussed. The project meeting in Warsaw was a success and prepared all participants for the challenges lying ahead of the consortium in the second project half.

Tip dne
Když přemýšlíte o nákupu nových zařízení, kromě pořizovací ceny si spočítejte také náklady na provoz, ty budete platit dalších 10-20 let.

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