START2ACT at CESA awards and V4 EYES

START2ACT at CESA awards and V4 EYES

START2ACT went to meet young entrepreneurs at two international events: the CESA Finals in Hungary and the V4 EYES for startups from the Visegrád Group countries.

The V4 EYES is a platform - created by the Budapest Enterprise Agency with the help of the International Visegrád Fund -  that enables companies, institutions and startups from the Visegrád Region to exchange best business practices and experiences. The initiative further included a startup competition which reached its conclusion at this conference with the awarding ceremony for the winners. In order to meet some of the most promising startups and businesses, START2ACT had its own booth where the attendees could inform themselves about the project's mission and activities.

For more information on the winners and their journey to the Startup World Cup & Summit, click here (only available in Hungarian).

At the CESA Finals, which took place on the 27th of September at Mosaik (a co-working space in Budapest), we started our recruitment for our upcoming startup mentoring activities! The event was the perfect opportunity to do so as it gathered the top startups and entrepreneurs from Budapest who were running for the local award in 12 different categories - ranging from best IoT and AI innovations to "best founder" or "best investor" of the year. The winners are entering the grand finale of the CESA which will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 23d of November.

You can check out a post-event compilation video of the V4 EYES event featuring START2ACT below:



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