Fourth START2ACT meeting in Prague

Fourth START2ACT meeting in Prague

Following project's quality assurance and performance monitoring strategy, START2ACT partners meet every six month to discuss project progress, achievements and challenges in order to identify the optimal way to move forward with the next stages of project implementation.

The fourth project meeting took place on the 28th and 28th of March 2018 in Prague. The meeting was hosted by our Czech partner, Enviros.

During the first day of the meeting START2ACT on-site activities were discussed: peculiarities of organizing SME consultancies and startup mentoring in each partner country, as well as feedback received and best practices/challenges already identified.

The second day was devoted to the discussion on START2ACT online tools (the Knowledge Base, E-learning, Energy Saving Competition and the recently launched START2ACT Forum) and future plans to promote them more actively among the project target audience within the START2ACT dissemination plan.

The meeting in Prague proved to be particular useful due to the presence of Ms Silvia Vivarelli, the Project Advisor from EASME.

She provided constructive evaluation of the project's progress and a number of valuable suggestions for future project activities.


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